The first mobility of the project was held in Treviso, Italy with the participation of four students and two teachers from partner schools and 2 staff from the Belgian NGO. The teams tried to know each other better by introducing their organizations and warm-up activities.
They visited the organic farm and learned about their eco-friendly implementations and waste management strategies.
The teams joined the workshop on environment and sustainibility held by the organization “Contarina”.
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
The students did research on different ecological themes in mixed teams, presented their findings and created an animation as a common product of the project.
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
They were welcomed by the Municipilaty of Treviso and provided with information about the process of getting Green Label in 2024.
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
Zero Waste Erasmus Project – Italy Treviso
The program ended with certificate ceremony with good wishes…